Monday, March 19, 2012

There's a SPRING in my step

I'm genuinely happy and I don't intend on going back to that dark place anytime soon. My mood has been steadily picking up for the last week and I'm officially elated. And why shouldn't I be? Tonight at about 1 am is the Spring Equinox! 

Oh, how I've missed you.
Some people may feel indifferent, but to me, the Spring Equinox is a celebration. Spring means new life and new hope. It means days that go on forever, weather that warms hearts and spirits that are finally free. And it all starts today! 

Today, for the first time in a very long time, my little university city seems
alive. The weather is beautiful, the sun is out and, all around me, life is reborn.

So all that's great, but my absolute favourite part is ditching my jacket and taking out my summer shorts! Wearing them right now and yep, rocking them. All those winter layers make me feel like I'm cemented into the ground. Spring has this great way of keeping my steps light and my spirits soaring. 


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